
Why an IP rating is important

What is an IP rating?

Put simply, it’s a rating that tells you what a device is capable of resisting when it comes to solid particles such as dust, and liquids.

IP is shorthand for an Ingress Protection mark. ‘Intrusion’ in the context of an IP rating has a threefold definition. IP codes signify the level of protection to users (hands, fingers etc) from mechanical or electrical parts, the degree of protection against dust, dirt and other damaging foreign bodies, and its overall resistance to moisture.
The first digit will be a number between 0-6, and indicates the degree of protection from ingress of solid objects.
The second digit of the IP rating will be a number between 0-9, relating to the level of resistance against moisture ingress at varying intensities, angles, depths and pressures of exposure or immersion.

The Parker B300MRS Electromagnet yoke has an IP65 rating, this is a great option to consider with work place safety in mind. This unit is also available in a 110 VAC Version (B300MR) for offshore applications.

IP65 Rating:

– Full protection against dust and other particulates, including a vacuum seal, tested against continuous airflow (First digit – protection from foreign body and particulate ingress)

5 – Protection against low-pressure jets of directed water from any angle (Second digit – protection from moisture ingress)