
The Advantages Of NDT Outsourcing For Small Businesses 

Non-destructive testing is a field of engineering that uses specialised equipment to test for flaws and discontinuities in the surface and subsurface of components. The field of NDT is used in a diverse range of industries, including construction, civil engineering and mechanical, boat and aerospace manufacturing amongst others. NDT equipment is exceptionally complex and requires training and certification in order to be used effectively. It follows that outsourcing non-destructive testing responsibilities can offer a range of benefits, particularly to small businesses. Outsourcing NDT responsibilities offers cost savings, access to expertise, improved efficiency and reduced liability. We discuss these points further in this blog post. 

Cost Savings 

NDT Australia knows better than anyone that purchasing NDT equipment can be expensive. Most small businesses have limited resources and cash flow which makes purchasing specialist equipment for a single task inefficient. Performing NDT tasks in-house requires hiring a NDT specialist, purchasing the equipment needed to inspect a component or structure and maintaining and calibrating equipment. In most cases, it’s more affordable in the long-term to outsource the task to a business whose unique value proposition is the performance of NDT tasks – they can take care of these responsibilities for you. 

Access to Expertise 

Another benefit of NDT outsourcing is that it offers access to expertise that is otherwise unavailable to small businesses. Sure, you could hire a NDT professional to perform your NDT tasks, but they won’t have access to the knowledge of an entire company nor the vast range of tools such a company employs. On the other hand, a third-party NDT company will assuredly have the proper certification and hands-on experience needed to perform a selection of NDT tasks to a higher degree of quality. Your in-house NDT guy may run into roadblocks if he is unfamiliar with specific testing methods or analyses, whereas a NDT company under your employ will be easily able to overcome such limitations as a team. 

Improved Efficiency 

In a similar vein of thought to cost savings and access to expertise, outsourcing NDT responsibilities to an external company can improve the speed of NDT inspection and analysis. In most cases, NDT companies will have more experience than a single in-house employee and can therefore be trusted to complete their evaluation of your structure or components faster and more accurately. 

Less Liability 

If you perform NDT tasks in-house and your NDT worker makes an error resulting in damage to property or human life, you could be liable for a lawsuit. However, if you outsource your NDT work to a third-party, they can assume the responsibility of liability and will probably have insurance in place to cover any damage resulting from a mistake. 

Buy Non-Destructive Testing Equipment    

NDT Australia can supply your NDT business  with a vast range of non-destructive testing equipment no matter where you are in Australia. Contact us via our contact form or on (02) 9524 0558 to make an enquiry about any of the NDT equipment we have listed on our website. We are available from 7:30am to 4:00pm Monday to Friday.